The Post Passions
of the Cycle Ich bin nicht da / Ich bin da
[I am not there / I am there]
op. 1: Suite for Blues Band and Truth-Teller** op. 1 “Questions“ – full text
Suite für Bluesgruppe und Wahrsager op. 1 „Fragen“ (WITH ENGLISH FRENCH AND RUSSIAN SUBTITELS SOUS-TITRES субтитры)
Buy CD + download of the MP3 + the YouTube video with text in German, Russian, French and English: 5,95 €
Buy only download of the three titles + the YouTube video of Suite op. 1 with text in German, Russian, French and English: 3,29 €
Buy only download of the Suite op. 1 + the YouTube video with text in German, Russian, French and English: 2,29 €
op. 2: Partita for Rock Group, Chamber Orchestra and Truth-Teller** op. 2 „The Song in Me“ – full text
Order download of MP3 + MP4 video with text in English, French and Russian €3,29
Oder CD + MP3 + MP4 video with text in English, French and Russian €5,95
* The Day I Was Not Born—German film with Jessica Schwarz and Michael Gwisdek, director: Florian Cossen
** Truth-Teller: in German, „Wahrsager“—true-speaker—normally means fortune-teller, diviner, mentalist or soothsayer. Thus, „Wahrsager“ is an absolutely spiritualist and metaphysical term while the protagonist of the Post-Passions—the teller of truth—is exactly the opposite of someone occult; he speaks his truth in its most clear and direct way. The author of the Post-Passions—representing radical Enlightenment—transforms by an untranslatable play on words a metaphysical concept into a physical concept. (By the way: „Enlightenment“ (or „enlightenment“) seems to be, in English, also a term both spiritualist and rationalist.)